Wilfried Lentzsch
CEO herpa tech
RFID in the Kitchen Front – the Next Big Innovation

Material recognition in the kitchen and furniture industry has always been a particular challenge – commissions have to be extensively checked before delivery, but identification labels should be as invisible as possible and must withstand large mechanical loads in the production machines.
Together with the IMA Schelling Group, one of the leading manufacturers of production systems for the wood, metal and plastics processing industry, and Meyer Holzverarbeitung GmbH, which specialises in the production of wooden fronts for the kitchen industry, the herpa tech GmbH team developed an optimal solution for material recognition with RFID tags.
The task was to develop a particularly narrow transponder that can be dispensed fully automatically and as invisibly as possible onto the edge of the furniture. This transponder is then programmed in the machine with all relevant order data.
With the solution developed by herpa tech – transponder, hardware (readers, gates, etc.) and software – every front equipped with an RFID tag can now be clearly identified and carries the complete order information with it over its entire service life. If a problem occurs in a sub-process during front production, it is possible to react immediately and initiate the immediate reproduction of specific parts.
The added values of such RFID labeling at a glance are
- Secure identification and traceability throughout the entire process chain to the end customer
- Potential savings in order picking through clear assignment of fronts
- Increased efficiency in production and logistics through immediate problem identification and post-production
"In the future, we would like to extend the advantages of RFID marking of kitchen and furniture fronts to service partners and end customers," says Wilfried Lentzsch, Managing Director of herpa tech GmbH. "If an end customer notices problems during installation or with kitchens or furniture that have already been installed, the service technician can read the transponder using a manual scanner and thus immediately initiate appropriate reproduction."